Image Copyright Advice

There is always image copyright in any image found on the internet, or on any printed magazine or leaflet.

A2A will try to ensure no copyrighted image is used on its clients websites. Ultimately the responsibility rests with our clients.

It is in the clients interest to ensure images they use are not subject to copyright.

  • Do not use an image that you do not own.
  • Buy stock images at or other image library, keep a record of it's purchase.
  • If a supplier says you can use their images of their products, get that statement in writing and print it off and keep it safe.

wikipedia - patent act

Picscout - check ownership of an image with the tool below.

Pic scout image tracker 

Wayback Machine - Getty and others also can produce a copy of your site from years ago.

wayback when machine

Remove your old site from 'wayback when' machine

It may be worth removing your site with the following:

Removing Documents From the Wayback Machine

The Internet Archive is not interested in offering access to web sites or other Internet documents whose authors do not want their materials in the collection. To remove your site from the Wayback Machine, place a robots.txt file at the top level of your site (e.g.

The robots.txt file will do two things:

  1. It will remove documents from your domain from the Wayback Machine.
  2. It will tell it not to crawl your site in the future.

To exclude the Internet Archive’s crawler (and remove documents from the Wayback Machine) while allowing all other robots to crawl your site, your robots.txt file should say:

User-agent: ia_archiver
Disallow: /

Robots.txt can be used to block access to the whole domain, or any file or directory within. There are a large number of resources for webmasters and site owners describing this method and how to use it, including

If you cannot put a robots.txt file up, read the If you think it applies to you, send a request to us at